You are everywhere but you cant see,however those lasting images can prove your presence and make you immortal

Bracketing in photography is a technique that involves taking multiple photos of a scene while changing one or more parameters (focus, white balance, flash, etc.).


Bracketing in photography is a technique that involves taking multiple photos of a scene while changing one or more parameters (focus, white balance, flash, etc.).

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Composition is one of the most fundamental artistic techniques, and its application is not limited to photography. Composition can be defined as the arrangement of visual elements and their placement in a work of art in a way that creates a beautiful


Composition is one of the most fundamental artistic techniques, and its application is not limited to photography. Composition can be defined as the arrangement of visual elements and their placement in a work of art in a way that creates a beautiful

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  Every photo tells a story. With splash photography, you don’t just tell a story. You create an image that is engaging and exciting. In fact, your image will grab the attention of the audience. Some viewers will even ask themselves: How was this image taken?


Every photo tells a story. With splash photography, you don’t just tell a story. You create an image that is engaging and exciting. In fact, your image will grab the attention of the audience. Some viewers will even ask themselves: How was this image taken?

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Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is...

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